How to get to Grodno?


You can travel to Grodno from Vilnius (165 km), Warsaw (275 km) or Minsk (279 km). It is preferably to go by bus/minibus, train or car.


  1. If you are travelling to Grodno from Vilnius…

  • by bus, please, note the following:

direct bus from Vilnius runs everyday (depending on a day 1-3 times/a day);

 An average fare for a one-way ticket is ~ 10 Euro. Approximate time spent on the way (with all the procedures on the border) is 4 hours.

 The Grodno-Vilnius/Vilnius-Grodno bus timetable is available here: or


  1. If you are travelling to Grodno from Warsaw...

  • by bus, please remember, that there is also a direct bus line.

An average fare for a one-way ticket is ~ 20 Euro. Approximate time spent on the way (with all the procedures on the border) is 6 hours.

The Grodno-Warsaw/Warsaw-Grodno bus timetable is available here:

 If you want to spare the money, you can make a change in the Polish city Bialystok: Warsaw- Bialystok, Bialystok-Grodno.

 You can go to Bialystok directly from the airport. The timetable is here:, . If you plan your trip beforehand, there is an opportunity to buy a ticket only for 0,5 Euro.

There is a possibility to travel to Grodno from Bialystok by bus/minibus, which run daily from Bialystok bus station.

 An average fare for a one-way ticket is 40 zl. (~ 9-10 Euro).

The timetable is at your disposal here:


  1. If you travelling to Grodno from Minsk…

  • by bus, please, note the following:


buses/minibuses run every hour from Minsk Central bus station.

An average fare for a one-way ticket is 140 000 (~ 8 Euro). Approximate time spent on the way (with all the procedures on the border) is 4 hours. The timetable is at your disposal here:, .


  • by train, it means you choose the cheapest way! The railway station is situated near the bus station.


An average fare for a one-way ticket vary between 2,5 - 5 Euro. Approximate time spent on the way is 4,5-7,5 hours. The timetable is available here:


Have a safe trip!